My work is ORIGINAL...Don't be a thief. registered & protected What is written in this blog, is of the author's own originality. It contains the sole views, thoughts, and stories of this blog's author.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What would you care to know?

First off, I think I need to tell a bit about myself and my family. As well as why I decided to start a blogging page.

My name is Missy. I am a Stay-At-Home Mother of three great, but at times, challenging children. My oldest is about to turn ten in just a few days.

Plus, my youngest is turning five the week after that. Talk about perfect timing, huh? Her and her sister's brother is eight and he is probably the most complex and complicated of all three.

My son has many mental disorders. They include, but are not limited to ADHD, OCD and Anxiety. He requires three different medications everyday. And he sees a Psychiatrist, has a Case Manager, and at times, even needs to have In-Home Therapists.

By the way, I am also married to a great man. He loves my oldest child (from a previous marriage) as if she is his own and has helped me to raise her from infancy. He works in the world of retail. And yes, we even found love at "discount prices" (by meeting in Wal-Mart where we both worked).

Now, I'm sure you are anxious to know as to why I decided to start blogging on a blog site.

Mainly just to at times vent, tell of how my day-to-day life as a SAHM (Stay-At-Home Mom) is through my eyes and my experiences. And to just let my thoughts go from my brain to my page.

Recently, I also had required an emergency-based surgery on my eye. And that will be covered in my blog as well. Let's just say that there were many twists and turns. And my recovery is on-going for about the next year.

Well that's about it for now, and I will also be moving SOME of my posts from another site on to here (maybe today) that will also cover some of the above things.

Thanks to all that take an interest in my blog and in the scope of my life as a woman, and most importantly, as a mother.

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