I have decided to take a Blogging Hiatus for the Summer.
Due to different factors, including, but not limited to the fact that my readership is apparently down, and the time I take to piece some of these together (mainly on one of my other blogs), I think this is the best option for me at this time.
There's chance that I will post once in a while while on this hiatus. But I am looking for this to be once in a blue moon, of sorts. I have a lot on my plate. And I feel that I must remove some of my "activities", with Blogging being one of them. And quite possibly, using Twitter, as well.
I'm hopeful that you all will understand. But it's time to put my family, Summer activities (if any) and above all things, MYSELF first, above the Blogosphere.
Thanks for understanding. And I'll see ya around, my friends.
P.S. ~ I plan on posting this in all four of my pages.
i know what you mean about the low readership..... i got 6 pvs today ZERO COMMENTS in two days... rough stuff...
Good luck and have a great summer! ♥ BJ
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